Tag Archives: ToneItUpTeam

Round Two of the Tone It Up 5 Day Slim Down!

23 Jun

I’m headed home this coming Saturday and will see friends and family I haven’t seen since January (about the time I realized I had some uncomfortable weight to shed). So to prepare I’m diving into the 5 Day Slim Down again.

It’s incredible, tropical and oh-so-delicious. Filled with smoothies, pancakes, Caribbean dinners and more… That’s a SLIM DOWN? Yes. The last time I completed the 5DSD I lost four pounds. Better yet, I said goodbye to a handful of inches #ThatsWhatSheSaid #MaybeThatDidntMakeSense #ImGonnaSayItAnyway

Today I jump started the SD with a wicked awesome workout from the Nike Training Club app


45 minutes of butt-kicking and sweat-dripping really gets my day started off on the right foot. Never thought I’d say that.

Afterward, I mixed up my Bombshell Spell and Pineapple Protein Pancake (slash-waffle, since I’m obsessed with my recent purchase) and headed out the door to take my pup to the vet for some routine shots. Needless to say, Brodis was not pleased. I compensated by taking him for a long ride on a beautiful BEAUTIFUL day (but detoured for a bathing suit shopping trip. He was okay with that.)

After a successful stop, we headed back and I had my one piece and loved up on Brodis. We read some Wicked and laid out in the sun. I obviously had to take my new swimsuit for a spin, so he supervised and made sure I didn’t get sunburned.

The rest of the day goes as planned:

Tankini: Kevita

Lunch: Tempting Mango Chicken Wrap

Smoothie: Monkey’s Mango and Cream

Dinner: North Shore Garlic Chicken

If all goes well, I’ll get BlogilatesDrive By Inner Thigh Challenge in this evening (it’s a KILLER) and Sun Kissed Abs from my biggest inspiration, the Tone It Up ladies.

Here’s to Day 1 of the 5DSD!

Time to Tone it Up

12 Jun

My struggle with slimming down and toning up really started after Christmas when I saw photos of myself. (I’m on the left).


I was (of course I still am) just shy of 5’1″, 115lbs and had no muscle—it was all unhealthy weight on my body. To many of you, 115lbs probably doesn’t sound like much. On a short and slim-framed body that’s used to being slender, it was. Or at least it felt like it.

Something else to note. I smile. A lot. Like, ridiculously-a-lot. And because I carry so much weight in my face, I was ashamed to smile. A friend even called me “cheeky”. I know she didn’t mean any harm by it, but it reminded me what people saw when they looked at me. I didn’t want to be “Jubilant Jamie,” the girl who reminds you of Santa or some other jolly, well-padded figure. I wanted to be me. Most of all, I wanted to be proud to smile.

I joined the YMCA around January and worked my butt off, often working out three times a day. I became obsessed with counting calories—nearly panicking if I was near my limit for the day. All of the calculation and worry drained my confidence and social life, which were already squashed. So I hid out at home to avoid facing people and food. Around the time I started losing motivation and was ready to accept myself as a friendless hermit, I found Tone it Up (It’s a nutrition and fitness plan developed by Katrina Hodgson and Karena Dawn, which focuses not on calories and weight, but on nutrition and toning).

I didn’t take the plunge and buy the plan right away, but for months I followed the workouts and monthly calendars. Plus, the blog gave away juicy tidbits and tips from their plan that I gobbled up. (Har har.) After noticing some progress by just using the teasers, I figured it was worth it to go all-in. Best. Decision. Ever.

When you join the Tone it Up “Dream Team”, you don’t just get a meal plan. You get an entire community of support from other girls via Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and the TIU Community. A big plus is how active K&K are in the online discussions. More active and supportive than I would’ve imagined. Some people might wonder how impactful social media can be in helping to gain confidence and drop weight—they shouldn’t. It works. Girls from all over the globe form a network that motivates you not only to get fit, but to be happy.

After joining TIU, I saw my weight dropping, lean muscle building and my confidence soaring. I no longer hide at home. I itch to socialize and meet new people. And best of all, I love to smile again.

I still have a journey ahead of me, but the Dream Team is behind me. I just wish I knew how to thank them.

Pictures to come soon 🙂